Kammon Teishu

関門 逞手

"I am a miserable, hopeless drunkard and an irredeemable coward. I have only ever had my smithing. But it is indispensable, and only my humble self could ever hope to keep you lot of fools alive."


"I will not work with shoddy iron. Be assured, I will extract only the finest ore from your incompetency."

Teishu is the last remaining smith from the height of Kammon power. He is a skilled crafter of weapons and armor, making him then - and now - an indispensable asset. This is often irksome to those he works for, because he is infamously a lazy drunkard with an abrasive and discourteous demeanor and a tendency to be a crass womanizer.in his early 40s, the man is scruffy and unkempt, with overgrown hair and a rough beard. He often wears richly tailored robes over an uncovered chest, but they tend to be faded from over-wear, stained from drink, and the sleeves singed from the forge.


"Acceptable iron... now, I will forge them into an alloy worthy of my hammer."

From the very beginning of his life, he knew he was dealt a bad hand. His father laid hands on his mother, neither married. His father was exiled and his mother gave birth to him. She loved him, despite his sire, but the shadow of his father's misdeeds eclipsed him in the eyes of all the Kammon clan.His mother was a caring woman who showered him in stern love, but no other in the clan showed him kindness. He grew up with tools in his hands, not toys, a contemptable servant allowed to stay under foot. Naturally, he declined to grovel and beg, and vowed to make a place for himself.


"A good metal will still fail unless tempered, lay your eyes upon the majesty of my work as I refine this hunk of metal into a divine blessing!"

To remain with his mother in the clan, he became a smith, for several reasons: It was one of the few occupations allowed to him; it was the method of keeping busy and earning his place most agreeable to him; and he took the opportunity to pour his frustration and his grudges into his work, with one goal in mind: By proving himself an irreplaceable asset as a smith, they could no longer look down on him simply for his father’s failures.His wish came true, and he earned himself a place as one of the most prominent smiths in the clan, even crafting the Lord’s armor. Though he had forced a place for himself in the Kammon clan, he made no effort to ingratiate himself, and he continued to have a poor relationship with the rest of the clan. The Lord, however, saw a man who was more than a disagreeable smith stained by bastard blood.


"But there is more to my work than simply beating a cherry red rod of iron; one must fold the metal, over and over, a hundred hundred times. Only then will it bear the strength to see fools step foot into the coming dawn..."

Teishu, through the Lord Takeshi's influence, was given influence and the ear of the council. To his chagrin, he was made an elder, despite never marrying. He ignored both his responsibilities and influence, until his niece - a servant - became laden with the offspring of a minor but respected Heichō.Reminded of his own miserable beginnings, Teishu - for the first time - became close with another member of his family. His niece was patient and kind to him, and didn't think so poorly of him, despite his reputation. When the children were born, he wielded his position and influence for the first time, helping the father convince the lord and council to allow an exception. Lord Takeshi allowed for the children to be raised by the father and mother jointly, and for the children to trained as Onmyouji and Heishei.


"And the last step, quenching, to finalize perfection. What? Of course it is perfect, I crafted it."

With a place of power and grudging respect in the clan, and family he could bear to love, Teishu was content with his lot. But time wore on, and the conflict with voidsent escalated. He was filled with unease, and went to the lord to warn Takeshi on the eve of the battle that would become a massacre. He told the Lord, outright, that he believed the Lord would die on the field of battle, and that the clan would fall with him.The Lord begged of him faith in their strength, and the clan marched, in full, leaving the Fuku and the elderly behind. When Lord Takeshi was slain, Teishu knew it through an enchantment he had placed on the Lord's armor. Fearing - rightfully - that the voidsent would sack the household, he gathered up his niece and her children and fled. All others in the household were butchered when the voidsent arrived to rampage after their slaughter on the field.He left them someplace safe and disappeared, ashamed of his failure. He fell completely to his vices, trying his hardest to never be sober enough to let the nightmares haunt his every waking moment. But after a year of desperate debauchery, he was shocked into wakefullness by a bucket of water by none other than the adopted heir of the Kammon clan, Ishizue, flanked by his niece and her children. From that day, he followed the new Lord on his travels, gathering the remains of the clan, and then went with him to Eorzea. Now, he provides his services to the rebuilding Kammon clan and the Muramasas, to whom Ishizue owes his life.